Donors, Data, & Decision Making: 5 Tips for Embracing Research & Development to Drive Impact

Oct 25, 20191 min read

Research and devlopment (R&D) plays a major role in driving decision making in the for profit sector. In the social sector, the innovative activities that are the hallmark of R&D work are often sorely underfunded and underdeveloped, and are considered a luxury.

The for-profit sector has long embraced using technology to capture and use collected data to better serve their customers. As the pace of innovation has accelerated, the use of data to drive decision-making has also moved ahead.

Project Evident believes that data driven decision-making is imperative as the social sector also moves forward in service of challenged populations and communities.

Featured in The Charity Navigator, this blog post, by Project Evident's Founder and CEO Kelly Fitzsimmons gives tips to funders interested in developing their own data collection frameworks in a responsible way.

Visit the blog by clicking here.

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